Best Tweets of 2010

Author: Derek Fildebrandt 2011/01/14

My favorite tweets from 2010. You can follow my fellow CTF directors HERE and me HERE.

  • My resolution is to never tweet under the influence. 1 Jan 10
  • 300. Ahhuuu! 10 Jan 10 (NYs resolution broken?)
  • Communism is just a really high flat-tax when you think about it. 30 Jan 
  • Buddy Holly died 61 years ago today. The day, the music died....RIP Buddy 3 Feb
  • James Moore in Canadian Bacon: en francais s’il vous plait http://bit.ly/9oX9qc http://bit.ly/bhvJym 16 Feb
  • A new politically correct anthem would be the worst piece of Canadian music since Nickelback. 3 Mar
  • CBC attacks the Taxpayers Federation for using my car. WTF? http://bit.ly/9Xlqsc 26 Apr
  • #TaxFact: Combined total tax bill has increased 1,624% since 1961. Pass it on. 28 Apr
  • #TaxFact: The avg family paid total taxes equaling 41.7% of income in 2009. Pass it on. 3 May
  • #TaxFact: (Gas Tax Honesty Day Edition) The average 2-car family will pay $1,095/year in gas taxes in 2010. Pass it on. 20 May
  • #TaxFact: The federal debt grew by $134-million today. Congratulations & pass it on. 21 May
  • Liberal gun-witness: "The registry is minimally intrusive." Like a colonoscopy. 25 May
  • #TaxFact: Gov't grew by 42% over last 6-years. Last time that happened, Trudeau was PM. Pray for us and pass it on.
    1 Jun
  • On the 20th anniversary of Meech, Quebec separates via #earthquake . 23 Jul
  • @CouncilofCDNs launches naval attack on Lake Muskoka! Submarines in the #FakeLake next? 24 Jun
  • My alarm went off at $530-billion this morning. I've got to get rid of that debtclock.ca 28 Jun
  • #TaxFact: Canada is 4th place in OECD for least state-control of economy. Kudos & pass it on. 16 Jul
  • In the time it has taken me to type this tweet, Canada's debt has risen by $54,271. 21 Jul
  • #TaxFact: Feds spent $120-million on arenas and ice rinks. Couldn't they have just frozen the Fake Lake? Pass it on. 29 Jul
  • Will the real Rough Riders please stand up? http://bit.ly/9MphUp #CLF 9 Aug
  • "Canadians are being forced to subsidize millionaire hockey team owners and that's a misconduct." -Stephen Harper, 2000, NCC President 10 Sep
  • On sabbatical. He has some soul-searching to do (swear I didn't eat him). RT @kady: @Dfildebrandt But where was Porky the Self Hating Pig?? 14 Sep
  • 20 years today, Germany was reunified after communist murderers - following fascist ones - ripped it apart http://bit.ly/ahF4qX 3 Oct
  • Holy political balls batman! http://bit.ly/beRQMb 13 Oct
  • Feds finally privatizing a quasi-crown corp! Oh wait, it's just GM. 18 Nov
  • If Danny Williams were to pass away, would flags be lowered to half-mast, or just taken down all-together? 25 Nov
  • Video> A Tory talks with a conservative http://youtu.be/FjK2ibmgy-0  20 Dec
  • What do the Village People think about 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell?" http://youtu.be/InBXu-iY7cw 20 Dec
  • #EpicFail: A Canada Post response to an Access to Information request took 6 days to mail across Ottawa, to tell me they need more time. 22 Dec
  • Nobody can make propaganda quite like Hulk Hogan http://youtu.be/GGuhZvO1DKg 23 Dec
  • Taxes are going up January 1st folks. CTF does the numbers: http://bit.ly/fRDpZF 28 Dec

A Note for our Readers:

Is Canada Off Track?

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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